
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day 14 Results

Day 14 Results:


All day I was focused on my deep breathing. I have read articles that state breathing helps reduce stress and calm the mind. I wanted to try this for myself. Several times throughout the day as I was feeling overwhelmed I stopped to take a deep breathe. I would breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. And repeat. For me this helped me temporarily clear my mind and focus only on my breathing. In that moment my stress was gone. The stress came back, as it always does, shortly after. I found that for me the breathing feels good and calms me. I plan to use this in the future when I need just a moment to chill.

The Last Day: In the spirit of Thanksgiving I would like to make day 15 my day of gratitude. Today when I start to feel stressed or overwhelmed I am going to make a list of everything that I am grateful for.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 13 Results

Day 13 Results:

Listening to music to change my mood

Throughout the day yesterday tasks seemed to be weighing down on me. I quickly reminded myself to turn on some tunes to see if this will help. I played songs that were new or fresh on my mind, all happy songs about life and love. This helped me focus on just getting through the day so that when I got home I could focus on our family time.

Day 14 Breathing - I am going to focus on my breathing

Monday, November 23, 2015

Results days 10, 1 & 12

Day 10, 11 and 12:

Staying calm and thinking positively

With everything that goes on in life it is easy to get caught up in all the small issues. It seems like your mind can't stop running and just keeps going in circles inside your head. Staying calm and thinking positively is not easy to do when your mind is unsettled. So how do you do it? I spent all weekend trying to remind myself that I have so much good in my life but for some reason I was not able to shut off my mind. I had to have help with this one. My husband was right by my side all weekend. Each time that I felt down he reminded me of all the good we have in our life and how no matter what we have each other. I know that we are committed to one another but it still helps to hear him remind me. He was a big part in us having a great weekend. Sometimes as hard as it is, asking for help is the best answer. A good support system even if it is just at home does good.

Again - not a doctor but this is just what helps me get buy.

Today's challenge Day 13 will be listening to music to alter my mood.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 9 Results

Day 9 Results: Go for a walk with someone

Yesterday as the stress started to creep up on me I remembered that my goal was to go on a walk to help. So that is just what I did, I decided to invite another woman that I work with to come along. We went for a nice walk it was very chilly. At first we started to talk about things we had in common and then we just walked. This was so peaceful, it definitely helped, plus I got to know my co worker a lot better.

Day 10 and through the weekend 11, 12: Staying calm and thinking positively - This will be a challenge considering my morning

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 8 Results

Day 8 Results:

Go for a walk.

Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me. I was stressed, emotional and did not feel well. Honestly, the last thing that I wanted to do was to force myself to go on a walk. So I skipped it. I am not perfect and it takes a lot of effort to put on that fake smile and continue on with your day. I understand this completely. So today I am going to try again and not only me but I am going to try and get someone to go with me. I think that this will help break up the day, keep me focused and positive. Let's try this again!

Day 9: Go for a walk with someone!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 7 Results

Day 7 Results:

Positive Thinking

Yesterday, was a particularly hard day to think positive. As I tried to remember all that I am thankful for I realized that I have a great life. Even though it is hard at times, life is still beautiful. My husband was a big help as the night carried on and I began to think about everything that was stressing me. He quickly reminded me that I needed to be thinking positively and that everything will work out. This has been a difficult challenge when I am feeling down but I realize that it is worth it. When I think positive thoughts I actually feel better.

Day 8: Go for a walk. Today my goal is to go for a walk. Anytime I am feeling off or stressed I am going to go on a walk. This will help me exercise and get some fresh air. I will post results tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 6 Results

Day 6 Results

Motivate Someone Else

I decided for this task to send out motivational emails to everyone in the office. I was surprised by the number of people that replied back with a thank you and told me that was what they needed to hear.

This made me happy

Day 7 back to positive thinking, things have no been going the way I planned lately. I am not lucky at all. So I decided that it is time for another day of positive thinking.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekend Results Day 3-5

Day 3 Results:

Compliment Someone

I gave a compliment to someone at work. This person has been so awesome and helps keep me motivated throughout the weeks. She loved the compliment and it made me feel better.

Day 4 Results:

Smile and Wave

We stayed in the house most of the day so there was not much opportunity again to do this but we checked the mail on Saturday and had a chance to smile and wave at our neighbors. This felt good and we got friendly responses back.

Day 5 Results:

Compliment Someone

I was feeling so down on Sunday and I decided to compliment my husband, he didn't even know it but just a small compliment to show I cared was all that I needed for me to feel better. I let him know how much I love him and need him around, he then spent the next 2 hours talking to me and made me feel so much better. Letting someone know you care is such a great feeling!

Next challenge - Day 6 - Motivate Someone Else

Today I am going to help motivate someone else who needs Motivation this Monday !

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 2 Results

Day 2 Results:

Smile and Wave. 

Unfortunately, I did not come across many opportunities to smile and wave at people. I did however, make an effort to tell someone to have a good day. I saw this young women in the restroom at work, she was frantically doing her hair and makeup. I said hello and she said hello back and that was it. On my way out a thought came across my mind. This was an opportunity to do some good. I turned around and told her to have a good day. She was taken back and it made her smile, which then made me smile. 

In conclusion sometimes even the smallest things can make a difference, I will continue to smile and wave throughout the weekend and see if I can make a difference in someone's day. 

I am going to try to compliment someone in need! 

Kindness = Happiness

Since it is Friday I will be posting the results for days 3,4 and 5 on Monday. Have a great weekend! 

Day 3: Compliment Someone 
Day 4: Smile and Wave again ... I know that this is a repeat but I am trying to develop small habits that can make a difference so I will be repeating challenges with the hopes of different results. 
Day 5: Compliment Someone

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 1 Results

Day 1 Results:

Positive Thinking. 

I immediately felt a little better after finishing yesterday's blog. Blogging makes me happy. It makes me feel better and if I can help one person then it's all worth it. 

Blogging = Happiness

I was emailing my husband back and forth throughout the day yesterday and letting him know how I was feeling. His sweet words gave me more encouragement to keep thinking positively. 

"You are allowed to have days where you are emotional. I love you. We will get through it all. I promise".

When we got home we instantly cuddled up and began watching our favorite TV shows. We talked in between commercials. When I started feeling insecure about my looks I did a 360 and changed my thinking. Instead I told my husband how lucky he was to have me vs any other women out there. When he quickly agreed with my statement this made my heart melt and made me feel a lot better.

Yesterday was a good day and today will be to. 

In conclusion sometimes it is not easy but there are little things you can do throughout the day to remain positive. In the end it is worth it! 

Day 2: Smile and Wave 

I am going to try to smile and wave as much as possible today! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Self Love #NoMoreTears

Several times a day I will ask my husband how I look, what he loves about me and the good that he see's in me. I know that this sounds needy but I am fortunate enough to have a husband that is very supportive and puts up with me. The reason I ask these questions is because in my mind I am never good enough. I am constantly picking on myself for things that should not even matter. I am worried if I do not look good, I worry about having a bad hair day and about what I am wearing. I know that sounds superficial but there is more. I get disappointed in myself when I don’t clean the house daily or when I skip a workout. I carry a lot of weight on my shoulders and when I get down the list grows with things that are out of my control. I feel upset that I am not a perfect person and hurt when I can't help others. At this point I am an emotional wreck and there is no stopping the tears. The reassurance I get from my husband does not always stop the tears and the feelings I am having. It does however, let me take a step back and feel loved. He seems to know what the right words to say are. The feeling of being loved is far greater than my depression and eventually I can calm down and breathe. It is easier to love yourself on the good days, the trick is loving yourself on the bad days too. I truly believe that you are your own worst enemy. When we forget to love ourselves and focus on all the negative that we see we tend to feel emotional, fearful, and exhausted both mentally and physically. This is usually when the eyes start to tear up and come pouring down.

I thought that today's post should be a lesson on loving ourselves. This will take time and be a learning process for both you and I. I cannot guarantee results but I can just let you know what I am going to try and post my results. Over the next 15 days I will be posting daily letting you know my progress and what I plan to do next. #NoMoreTears.

Day 1
I am going to focus more on the positive things in my life. Are you ready?! Get started with me! Comment, email and follow me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Go Live

Sometimes when you are feeling down and overwhelmed you need a day just to you. Take it! Enjoy the rest of the day, go outside and make today perfect. Pull out your headphones and go for a walk or run. Enjoy the changing seasons and capture some pictures. Please comment and post, I would love to see the pictures of everyone out enjoying the day.