
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

About me and why I started blogging

Hi, my name is Alice. This is about my journey down the rabbit hole known as depression. After realizing that I am not alone and that other people feel the exact same way I feel, I have finally made the decision to start blogging. Hopefully, if nothing else, my blog will inspire and help others struggling with depression, anxiety and other emotional issues.  I am not a doctor. I am writing this blog for my own good and again hopefully I can help others get through some tough times.

I struggle with depression and anxiety. My family is not aware of this, just my husband and myself. For a long time I was in denial. I did not want to see any kind of doctor and I was sure that this was just a phase. I was not sure how to address the issue so I ignored it, until it finally took over. I finally broke, with tears streaming down my face, I called out of work...again. This was the turning point for my husband and myself, I knew that I needed to change or this would consume and ruin my life.

Before I get started just a little background. I have always struggled with making decisions and telling people what and how I am feeling. Recently, I have discovered more people who are struggling and then it clicked. I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. What a relief, I know that depression is a real issue but because I didn't have thoughts of suicide I figured that for some reason I was ungrateful for the life I have or that I should not feel so selfish. This should not be the case. Even a little depressed is still depressed. For those of you out there that are looking for support or an outlet, please follow my blog. My posts will focus on the positive, the negative and the emotional side of this. I will post things that have helped myself and others get through the days one step at a time. Not everyone will relate to this but I encourage your feedback and comments.


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