
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Jobs that contribute to depression

It was a beautiful day out, the sun was shining and I woke up feeling ready to take on the day. That is until I got to work. I did not realize this at first, but almost immediately my mood changed. As the day dragged on I noticed that my emotions were not improving, in fact, I was feeling worse than before.

My coworker, who is a sexist ass, by the way, decided that it would make him feel better to 'call me out' on the things he felt that I was doing wrong. Over the past week he created a list of complaints he had against me. Some of the things that he mentioned were so ridiculous and false that it was almost funny, except the fact that there was nothing funny about the way that this made me feel. This all seemed so petty, and he was getting off on being mean. I do not and will not ever understand why people feel the need to put others down. The biggest issue he had against me was the way that I talked to him in front of peers. I have always given him more respect than he has ever shown me, so this came as a surprise.

During the meeting I was able to keep it together despite the attack against me. After the meeting, I was not in control anymore. My eyes started to water uncontrollably and I could not focus on anything. I went home that night feeling the same as I always do after work, sad, alone and hurt. It really did not click that my job was causing these episodes. Depression can be so random that trying to break it down and make sense of it all seems impossible at times. I began researching this and found that I am not alone and that this is common. I found several articles that supported this and as I was reading through these I started to see a pattern. I then started to look into other industries that have high reports of employee depression. Below is a list of jobs that frequently contribute to depression and anxiety. 

Nursing home and child care workers
Food service staff
Social workers
Health care workers
Artists, writers and entertainers
Administrative support staff
Maintenance and ground workers
Financial advisers and accountants
Sales people

So my advice for all my 'Mad Hatters' out there is to get out and get happy, what I mean by this is getting out of the job that you are in and get into one that will make you happy. I know that there are several reasons why people cannot up and quit their job but if your job is contributing to your panic attacks, anxiety or depression then the best avenue is to get out and be on your way to a happier you. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

It Does Not Always Pour After It Rains. Seeing The Light On A Bad Day.

Sometimes in life bad things happen in life. Unexpected events that seem so big at the time, they make you want to lock yourself in your room and scream. These usually come at the worst time, proving that when it rains, it pours. So the question is, how can you defeat the negative thoughts that start running through your mind? There is no easy answer and I wish that there was. I hate to think that there are people out there that are going through some tough times. It can be difficult figuring out a way to tame the monsters in your head. Here are some tips that have helped me, and hopefully will help you to. 

Always remember that you are not alone. Even though it feels like you are all alone, and you feel that no one could possibly understand your pain, please remember that there are billions of people in the world and there are others that feel your pain and can relate. 

Stop thinking about what you can't change. Always easier said than done, but in reality shit happens. The best thing that you can do is learn from this experience and move on.

Stop looking in the past. Instead, focus on the present and the future. Do something today that will have a positive impact on tomorrow. 

Think of this hardship as a challenge. It helps to think of this as an opportunity to move forward with your dreams and goals. For example, if you lose your job, try to change the way you are thinking about it. Maybe that job was stressful, maybe you did not get along with coworkers, maybe your schedule was holding you back from whatever it is that you truly want. 

Now go out and make a difference in your life, for the better. Stay positive and be yourself, who knows you could be the next person that will change a person, a community or even the world. Never give up on what makes you happy. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sorry for the delay

Hey all so sorry for the delay in this post. I am revamping my site for the better, I can't wait for you all to see it! With that said I will be changing when I post, hopefully the site is up, and running quickly.

I would be on facebook and twitter for those who would like to reach out!

Stay happy, and remember a random dance party or act of kindness can truly change your day for the better.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Another way to combat stress, anxiety and depression

Another way to combat stress, anxiety and depression. Volunteer work! It is hard to see the value in this when you are looking in from the outside, but I can personally vouch, that this works. Here are the facts;

Getting involved, and staying active in your community is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.
Getting involved gives you a voice and a chance to make a difference. This give you a natural high which can turn a bad day into a good day.
Focusing on local issues, and doing your part to contribute can be a great distraction from your mind.
The benefits can positively impact you, your friends, family, neighbors and your community.
This is a great opportunity to meet new people and develop new friendships. As you do this you are building a support system that can help fight stress and depression.
This can help you learn new skills, and can even become a resume builder.
Doing good increases self confidence, by a natural sense of acomplishment and a purpose.
With the 2016 Elections coming up I would encourage all of you to go out, get involved and vote.

Do something today that will make a difference in your future and the furture of our children. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

How To Avoid Stressful Triggers

Sorry for the late post. This week has been hard on me mentally and physically.

Here are common triggers for those who suffer from anxiety and depression and some ways to help avoid those triggers.

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed?! These are common, every day struggles that can leave you feeling down in the dumps. You can't always avoid stress but you can attempt to limit the amount of overwhelming stress that you are feeling. 

  • Let's say that you have several tasks that need to be done in a day, this can be overwhelming. I have noticed that when this happens I don’t know where to begin, which stresses me out even more. Try to break them out. Start with the easy things, it will feel good to check items off of your list, and you will start to feel the weight being lifted as you continue to complete your tasks.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help can feel like admitting defeat, but how will you ever feel better if you do not ask for the help that you need? You may be surprised who is in your corner.
  • Know your limits, if there is something that you can't complete by a deadline, let your supervisor, or whomever, know right away. Ask them to prioritize the items that you are working on so that you can focus on what is the most important and go from there.
  • Do not be afraid to say no and be assertive when you need to be.

Medical Issues. Personally, we have been through the ringer with medical and health conditions. My husband has a condition that will follow him around for the rest of his life, last month I had surgery and next month my husband will be having surgery, so as you can see medical is a huge stress for us right now. My best advice is to not ignore it. 

  • If there is something that you need to do to get your health on track, then do so. Take care of any immediate needs then schedule regular follow ups for the rest. This doesn’t solve the problem but I have noticed that when we take care of the issue head on we feel so much better. 
  • Do what you can to remain active and let your endorphin's keep you happy.

Does your job stress you out?! Mine sure does! So, what can you do to help get you through the day? 

    Image result for dance party
  • Try not to let the actions of others bother you. This can be challenging but why let them win? Stand tall, be true to yourself and try to forget the rest. 
  • When you need to start updating your resume. This alone can provide you with the hope of a better situation and may be just the thing that you need to get you through the day. Sign up for continuing education, maybe you just need a refresher in Microsoft to keep you confident. 
  • If all else fails then have a random dance party. I have adopted this method for stress relief after watching 'Grey's Anatomy'. You put on a song and start jumping, dancing and moving around. By song number two you wont want to stop! Again, let your endorphin's make you smile.

Money. This one can be very difficult, when bills are piling up, and you are feeling overwhelmed. Having money issues can be the hardest to face head on, especially if you have no idea on how to correct these issues. 
  • Take control where you can and try not to stress what is outside of your control. I know, easier said than done. 
  • Create a budget and review it weekly, to ensure that you are on track. If you need help budgeting reach out to your local bank, they are usually willing to help go over your financial needs to help prepare you for the future. 
  • Check out local community events that are free or cost very little to attend. 
  • Use cash where you can, actually seeing the money deplete from your wallet makes it easier to say no to the extras we may be attempted to buy. 
  • Pay yourself first. This does not have to be a lot, but allowing yourself an extra $10 a paycheck you feel as if you are allowed to 'spoil' yourself. This can be used for anything, a coffee that you would normally pass up or a new movie to watch, it doesn’t really matter what you decide to spoil yourself with, as long as you remember to do it and not regret it. 
  • Don't allow a lack of spending money keep you locked away at home, making it easier for your mind to run. Go to a park for a picnic lunch, or go on a hike and explore something new.