
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Another way to combat stress, anxiety and depression

Another way to combat stress, anxiety and depression. Volunteer work! It is hard to see the value in this when you are looking in from the outside, but I can personally vouch, that this works. Here are the facts;

Getting involved, and staying active in your community is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety.
Getting involved gives you a voice and a chance to make a difference. This give you a natural high which can turn a bad day into a good day.
Focusing on local issues, and doing your part to contribute can be a great distraction from your mind.
The benefits can positively impact you, your friends, family, neighbors and your community.
This is a great opportunity to meet new people and develop new friendships. As you do this you are building a support system that can help fight stress and depression.
This can help you learn new skills, and can even become a resume builder.
Doing good increases self confidence, by a natural sense of acomplishment and a purpose.
With the 2016 Elections coming up I would encourage all of you to go out, get involved and vote.

Do something today that will make a difference in your future and the furture of our children. 

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