
Wednesday, December 30, 2015


As 2016 approaches everyone will be deciding what goals or 'New Years Resolutions' they want to work on in the new year. I have decided that I am going to keep my goals as simple as possible. I am going to work on me and nothing else. Specifically, my mental health and trying to eliminate the number of bad days throughout the year. I know that there is no sure way to fix anything and everything all at once so this will be a work in progress. Here is where I am going to start. Self Love, I am going to focus more on loving myself and being who I am 24-7, this means I am going to say what I want when I want, for the most part obviously keeping it professional when need be. I am going to be more active than I was this past year. I enjoy hiking and biking so time to do more of it. I am going to drink more water, mostly this will help with me get healthier but in turn that will help me mentally. I am going to do things that I love a lot more which includes but not limited to the following;

Play video games
Walk and talk

I hope that you all have a great and happy new year! I would love to hear what your goals will be! Message me or feel free to post on my blog/wall.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The most important thing to remember is the one thing we forget

Yesterday, I was sitting on my bed in tears trying to explain to my husband how I was feeling and explain that i'm on the edge and have no idea why. He was very understanding and admitted that he too has felt the same way from time to time. He offered to go grab me a Zanex to help ease my mind. I told him that I wanted to hold off so his response was that he was going to cheer me up the old fashioned way. He started by letting my dogs in the room, which if you read my blogs then you know that my dogs are my emotional support animals and that they always know how to make me smile. I was passed the bong and took a hit of weed, which kicks in instantly and the more I hit it the better I started to feel. I guess that is technically not the old fashioned way of things but it is our way and has helped me tremendously. He then turned on our latest addition on Netflix, he instantly hit pause. We stayed up for hours just talking about live and our future and our goals and I was able to open up a bit more about what my wants and needs are for the future. He helped me focus and plan what we needed to do to work towards our goals. We then hit play and enjoyed the rest of the night. As anxiety started to hit this morning when I got to work I decided to turn on some music. Music is my soul, without it I would feel lost. The music was on shuffle when I heard the most beautiful lyrics to help me get through the day. I looked to see what the song was and it was Human by Christina Perri. This made so much sense and I recommend that everyone takes a listen.

According to research found, (, these changes can affect your attention, perception, short term memory, learning and word finding. As a human you will make mistakes, you will fall on hard times, you will stress and you will be okay. The most important thing to remember is the one thing we forget. We are not robots, witches, vampires or wizards, and even though I would love for my husband and I to be vampires we are not. Simple as that. WERE ONLY HUMAN. Shit will happen, things will get fucked up, however, tomorrow is always another day and presents us with another chance to work towards changing for the better. As hard as things may seem right now, this is not the end of the world. This may be the end of a sentence or a chapter but not the end of life.

Again I am not a doctor and these are just my thoughts and what helps me. If you need help and are struggling with depression I suggest seeking help from a licensed medical professional.

Have a better day!  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Expressing Myself

Over the weekend I heard some comments about "depressed people" and how they just make this up for attention. Maybe there are some people who do but for those who do have it, this is something that is hard to hear. I wish more than anything I could control my emotions and mind 100 percent of the time, but I simply cannot. Yesterday and today have been difficult for me. I woke up yesterday feeling fine but halfway through the day I started to feel anxious. My stomach started hurting, my mind started to run and I was having a hard time focusing on the day. I was able to go home, rest up and relax a little with some love from my husband, TV and some MJ. For those of you just tuning in please go see my other blogs about things I do to try and help myself have a better day. In doing those things I was able to relax a bit and get some much needed rest. Today however, I woke up anxious, my mind was running at 6AM and there was nothing that I could do to change this. I did not want to wake up and get moving for the day but I didn’t have much of a choice. I am feeling nervous, anxious and judgmental. This is not who I am, I feel like a different person. When I feel down I just want to ignore everyone and everything. I don’t feel like talking and don’t feel like doing much of anything at all. I hate this feeling but this is sometimes a feeling that is out of my control. So the question is how to get through a day of this. I am not exactly sure of the answer yet. Today's post is not what I am going to do to try and ease my mind. Today's post is just me expressing myself. Surprisingly enough writing these posts helps me focus which calms my mind. I am not alone and hopefully those of you who struggle with me are not struggling today. If you are struggling please please try and have a better day go read some of my posts on what to do to ease your mind and try something new. Who knows you may find a new hobby or even better a new way to relax your mind. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Little Things . . .

My last post was about writing and challenging everyone to get out and write to help clear the mind. I took this as a challenge and am currently on page 5 of my short story. They story I am writing is definitely bizarre but writing it has made me very happy, when I am writing down my thoughts and forming stories that is my only focus and the rest follows. The only time I feel sad is when I am at a stopping point and don't have enough time in the day to just write more.

Today I am going opposite, I am recommending a movie night. Get together with a friend, family member or your partner in crime, grab some candy and popcorn and settled down for a nice movie, or any movie for that fact! Sometimes we forget about the little things in life that we enjoy, like watching a movie, tonight it's time to enjoy! I would love to see your posts on what movie you decided to watch!

Have a great day! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 15 Results and Today's Post on Writing

First things first, the final day 15 results! So for the last day I decided that I was going to make a list of everything that I was grateful for to cheer me up. It turns out that when I actually think about all the little things I realize that I have so much to be grateful for! This made me so happy knowing that through it all I still have a pretty damn good life.

Now for today's post;
Writing to calm anxiety and stress I decided to make this post on writing for a few reasons;
1. When I am writing I get lost into my own world, the stress seems to disappear.
2. Writing is a great way to vent. You can keep a journal and write down all of your frustrations then you can recycle that piece of paper and literally 'throw your stress away'
3. Writing helps me focus on one thing, the story. This helps clear my mind and helps me to have a better day. Sometimes I write non fiction and other times fiction. I am hoping to branch out and get into more fantasy.

I challenge all of you to go and write, the possibilities are endless and you can write down whatever you want. There are some writing contests that are going on write now, submit your entry and good luck! If you want more info or to leave a comment please feel free to do so!

And remember have a great day today!