
Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 2 Results

Day 2 Results:

Smile and Wave. 

Unfortunately, I did not come across many opportunities to smile and wave at people. I did however, make an effort to tell someone to have a good day. I saw this young women in the restroom at work, she was frantically doing her hair and makeup. I said hello and she said hello back and that was it. On my way out a thought came across my mind. This was an opportunity to do some good. I turned around and told her to have a good day. She was taken back and it made her smile, which then made me smile. 

In conclusion sometimes even the smallest things can make a difference, I will continue to smile and wave throughout the weekend and see if I can make a difference in someone's day. 

I am going to try to compliment someone in need! 

Kindness = Happiness

Since it is Friday I will be posting the results for days 3,4 and 5 on Monday. Have a great weekend! 

Day 3: Compliment Someone 
Day 4: Smile and Wave again ... I know that this is a repeat but I am trying to develop small habits that can make a difference so I will be repeating challenges with the hopes of different results. 
Day 5: Compliment Someone

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